In-Depth Comparison of the Canon M6 Mii vs the Sony A6000

Also keep in mind that some lower-priced mirrorless cameras lack a viewfinder, forcing you to rely on the back screen in the same way you would with a smartphone. These powerful cameras should be sturdy and well-built, have rapid autofocus and shutter speeds for recording fast-moving action, and produce images of professional-level clarity. In this purchasing guide, we’ve compiled a list of all the current interchangeable lens cameras available for purchase for less than $2000 and suggested the best of them. If you’re photographing sports or wildlife, you’ll want a camera that can capture a large number of images rapidly, as well as one that has in-camera stabilization capabilities.

Canon EOS M6 Mk II vs Sony Alpha A6000: Which Is Better?

Sony Alpha a6000

You’re having problems determining which Sony mirrorless camera is the best choice for you. Cameras with longer battery life are able to capture more images before their batteries run out of power. Because aperture is a feature of the lens, it can only be determined for fixed lens cameras. In order to get the equivalent aperture for the Canon M6 Mark II, multiply the aperture of the lens you are currently using by the crop factor. The equivalent aperture for the Sony Alpha a6400 may be calculated by taking the aperture of the lens you’re currently using and multiplying it by a crop factor of 1.

Sony Alpha a6000 vs Canon EOS M6 Mark II

The following is a comparison of the rear views of the Canon M6 MII with the Sony A6000. View a side-by-side comparison of the front view sizes of the Canon M6 MII and Sony A6000 in the image below. In addition to being far more powerful than its predecessors, Rotolight’s new NEO 3 and AEOS 2 lights take a step further by offering millions of different color lighting choices on a touchscreen display. The Monster Adapter LA-KE1 allows Pentax users to utilize several of their K-mount lenses with complete autofocus on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras, allowing them to expand their lens lineup. I am by no means a skilled video shooter, but Sony’s tiny primes with optical stabilization (OSS) absolutely excel here in terms of mobility and image clarity.

Key Differences Canon EOS M6 Mark II and Sony Alpha a6000 Between the Canon M6 Mii and the Sony A6000

For those looking for excellent handling in the bends and acceleration from zero to sixty miles per hour in less than 5 seconds, the field narrows significantly. Given the fact that DSLRs have been around for considerably longer, they have a more diverse selection of lenses to pick from than compact cameras. Furthermore, second-hand lenses are commonly accessible – and sometimes at a modest cost. It is possible to compute equivalent aperture by multiplying the lens aperture by the crop factor (a.k.a. focal length multiplier).

Sony Alpha a6000

While our top selections for the finest mirrorless cameras all cost less than $1,500, there are models available that are twice as costly and provide features that are just as appealing. After a few years on the market, the Sony a7 II has been replaced by the Sony a7 III, which boasts a number of improvements, including full frame HDR 4K video and improved battery life, among others. However, the a7 II is still a capable camera, and it is far less expensive than the new model, making it a better value. If you’re looking for a full-frame, APSC, or Micro Four-Thirds sensor, you’ll be pleased with any of the models on our best mirrorless cameras list, which all come highly recommended. Photography equipment reviews of the top mirrorless cameras for photographers of different sorts, expertise levels, and price ranges The M6 Mark II’s LP-E17 battery lasts for 305 shots, but the A6000’s NP-FW50 power pack lasts for 360 shots on a single charge.

Canon EOS M6 Mark II

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